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Understanding & Responding to Adolescent Intra-Family Domestic Battery

From the Battered Women’s Justice Project

Content: This webinar will explain the difference between Adolescent Domestic Battery & Intimate Partner Violence & the need for an alternative system & treatment response to this issue.

Adolescent Domestic Battery (ADB) is defined as a youth committing an act of violence against a parent, sibling, or other family member living in the home. These intra-family assaults result in many youth being arrested for DV under the definition of DV in many states.

According to data from the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS):

  • Half (51%) of ADBs victimized a parent & 1/4 (24%) victimized a sibling.

  • When against a parent, the parent was mostly likely the mother for both juvenile male (68%) & juvenile female offenders (81%). 48% of ADBs were arrested, compared with 31% of juvenile offenders who assaulted acquaintances & 32% who assaulted strangers.

The presenters will provide alternative “system responses” & “treatment responses” from projects implemented in Illinois & Florida.

Presenters: Robin Hassler Thompson, Consultant; Wendy Nussbaum, Executive Director of Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission.

Learn more and register now!